World Clock
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Thanks Giving 2011

June 2011

Xmas 2010 Vacation

Xmas 2010 Family

Xmas 2010 Friends


Contact us
Enjoying summer sun

Hi I am Andrew James Buckley I was born in Newcastle under lyme in Staffordshire in January 1960.My parents who have now passed away. Mum Margret (Rhodes) and Dad Joe Buckley. I have a older brother David and a sister Pauline.I went to Hassell st school and then to the Edward orme School.When I first left school I worked in a bakery and doing different driving jobs.In 1979 I joined the army and served in the RCT( Royal corps of transport)
After leaving the Army in 1982 I went back into driving as an HGV class one driver. In 1996 I did some damage to my left knee which meant I could not drive any more. I started to go to college for electronics and then to Staffordshire University for a degree in Media Tech and advinced electronics which I passed with a BSc Hons. Andrew in uniform

I first worked in media for UKDiving doing web design. After leaving ukdiving I went to work for RTI as a simulator engineer which I loved very much.Working on Train simulator around the UK Ireland. I married my wife Agnes in 2004 in Singapore and I love her very much.




This is my Tattoo that I had done in Thailand I have allways wanted a Tattoo but thought they hurt but in the end it was not that painfull now I want a shark on my right arm. DEC 2009

My Tattoo clic for bigger picture


Designed by Andrew James Buckley BSc Last updated December 03 2016