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Made from only the best water available and taste tested up to 250 times,
Tiger Beer has one of the most respected labels in Asian beer.
While the Tiger Brewery sells millions of beers each year all over the world, it commits itself not only to brewing perfection, but also to the preservation of the near endangered tigers in Singapore. Since its inception, the beer has won several awards, but none better than the Brewing Industry International Awards, "The World's Best Lager". Tiger beer goes great with spicy seafood dishes like crab and lobster as well as comfort favorites like pizza and burgers.

Best known for the lion that graces the front of every bottle Singha beer is a premium larger brewed from the finest ingredients. With a 5% ABV Singha beer is a 100% full bodied barley malt beer that is distinctly rich in taste with a strong hop character. Singha beer is available in the form of 330ml, 630ml bottles and 330ml cans. Bottled and brewed in Thailand Singha beer is the authentic Thai beer. This is a great beer to have with seafood and spicy indian or thai curries and fantastic with BBQ but must be served cold.
Thai beer
old peculier Discription
See: Deep dark ruby
Smell: Fruity, mellow, warming
Taste: Rich, full-bodied, malty

Drinking Notes
The beer that made Masham famous!
A rich, dark, smooth-tasting beer with an unequalled flavour. Brewed using the traditional Fuggle hop, Old Peculier is our best known beer and has a large and enthusiastic following all over the world.

Don't drink too much on a hot sunny day, it makes you do strange things, you don't realize how strong this is until you leave the bar.

Arthur Guinness brewed a beer that was relatively unknown in Ireland (at the time Irish people drank more whiskey, gin and poteen than beer). It contained roasted barley, giving it a characteristically dark color. It soon became known as "porter" and was in direct competition with the porters traditionally brewed in London for the Irish market. Arthur had chosen to fight the London breweries for their share of the market. He succeeded so well, that not only did he take over the Irish market, but he also captured a share of the English one.

By 1825 Guinness was available outside Ireland and St. James's Gate Brewery was the largest in Ireland. In 1881, Guinness was producing more that one million barrels of stout and by 1914 it had become the largest brewery in the world. Today, this famous brewery is no longer the largest but it remains one of the finest. 35 countries around the world now brew Guinness but each brewery must use a flavored extract brewed in the Dublin headquarters - one of those secret ingredients so closely guarded by Guinness


This was the beer that we drank on a Monday Nite at the Pub Quiz.

The history of Bass Ale starts with the unique ingredient that sets it apart from other beers. The water at Burton-on-Trent has been used for its unique flavoring by Benedictine monks since 1002. In his will a local nobleman,Wulfric Spot, deeded lands and money to set up a Benedictine Abbey to protect the shrine of St. Modwen. Little did he know that the monks would discover that the water at Burton-on-Trent made exceptionally good and strong beer. Hey, protecting a shrine is thirsty work! In 1777, was quick to note this phenomenon and bought his own brewery to capitalize on the fact.

Not only is Bass water of old repute, but the process utilizes a unique system in which the active is culled from the , after it has aided in the process, and used in the next batch. To top it all off, Bass has the world's first ; the red triangle that adorns their distinctive bottle. It was immortalized in 1914 when Picasso created his own from the image of the English one.

This beer was one of the first beers I drank when I was in my teens. At that time I was working as a trainee chef at Clayton Lodge Hotel it was given free of charge to the kitchen staffs when on graveyard duty to help us keep cool.
Newcastle brown

Newcastle Brown Ale is a famous brand of dark brown . It has been brewed in (where it is known as 'Dog' or just 'Broon') since by Newcastle Breweries However, in April 2004, Scottish and Newcastle announced that they would be closing the Tyne Brewery in 2005 and moving production across the river to Dunston Federation Brewery .

Unlike many British beers Newcastle Brown Ale is always served cold, ideally from a bottle, and drunk from a half pint glass so as to minimise warming, with a pronounced frothy head (never flat).

The beer was widely unavailable in southern and midland England until a successful promotional campaign in the late 1980s, but is now one of the country's leading bottled ales.

Marston’s Pedigree has always been crafted using the finest natural ingredients to ensure you receive a truly exceptional beer. We only use natural Burton spring water and traditional varieties of barley and hops (Maris Otter barley, Fuggles and Goldings hops), rather than less expensive, commercially grown modern hybrids.

Unique in the world, it is still brewed in the oak casks of the Burton Unions to preserve its unique character, consistent quality and taste.

Many brewers have abandoned this traditional method of brewing over the years due to its extra cost and labour intensive maintenance, which requires a skilled cooper to constantly service the wooden casks.

It has been the commitment and belief of each Marston’s Head Brewer to preserve the extra effort that goes into each brew that makes Marston’s Pedigree such an exceptional beer.
When you want a truly exceptional premium ale, Don’t Compromise, choose Pedigree.

The first time I had this beer was a gift from a friend who lived on the Isle Of Skye. Each time I visited the Island I would bring a case or two back with me, but it did not last long before it was gone.

Red Cuillin
The Skye Brewery`s much-prasied flagship ale. Reddish-hued, slightly malty and nutty in character, smooth to the taste. A multi-award-winning ale, named after the well-known hills of the Isle of Skye.
Nova Scotia’s most popular beer, Alexander Keith’s India Pale Ale is fully fermented, mellow-aged for smoothness and uses balanced North American flavour and bittering hops to create a unique, malty flavour. Alexander Keith’s India Pale Ale is smooth with a slightly floral hop character and a sweet flavour delivery






Molson Canadian
A lot of people might blanche at the mention of such a plebeian beer on a list like this, but those people are of the same ilk as those pretentious idiots who argue that Citizen Kane is a bad movie. Canadian isn’t just a good beer (2003 North American Beer Awards’ Gold Medal winner in the lager category), it has also been part of our proud drinking heritage for generations.


Thailand’s number one selling beer is Beer Chang, which you can spot by its distinctive green label adorned with two elephants. In Thai, Chang means elephant and that’s a good name for this beer since Chang Classic really packs a punch at 6.4%, especially when served in the common 630 milliliter size. That’s about double the size and double the strength of a typical light beer in the US, so four times the alcohol per bottle! Beer Chang is also a lager, though the malt flavor is a little more intense than Singha’s. Beer Chang is very popular, but often it's not available in nicer restaurants.








Designed by Andrew James Buckley BSc Last updated December 03 2016